From Situation impossible, to taking action now!

Awakening Insights

With Jessie

Awakening Insights

With Jessie

For Jessie GENUINE transformation is her highest priority. She helps you find the power in your process and the peace within your path. I highly recommend Jessie in every capacity!

-Mariana C.

Founder/Owner, Aha Moments Radio Show, Inc

Take back Your POWER!

Take back Your POWER!

August 28, 20242 min read

Please take heed. It is so important to see your path as the journey to growth, personal power, awakening to your light, and the deeper part of you that is waiting to be called upon.

Isn't true that with every bit of pain, adversity, failure, mistake, or brought-to-your-knees moment, there has been something there for you to grow from? Or an opportunity to do things differently?

And the call to a force within you that courageously responded to your heart's calling for one more chance to rise above the pain?

Past experiences can be so painful and can take your breath away, however, the only way that you become a prisoner of it is by the meaning that is created from the moment 'after' experience. If you bring yourself to the moment, the seconds, right before the experience, there is freedom. Freedom from the enormous amount of weight that is placed at the moment of meaning.

Life has tribulations, dark and light, the polarity that is necessary to have the contrast and gratitude that comes with rising out of the dark. So I don't mean that you won't have pain or sorrow, what I mean is,

You don't have to "suffer" in it.

That is where CHOICE comes in. We believe we lose choice at the moment of the experience, that we are now justified in the pain and to let it go and heal from it, somehow loses the intensity of how we feel about the incident. So to maintain control of our conviction in the justification of our pain, we hold on.

However, it is the ILLUSION of control. What we have done is created a self-made prison of pain, sorrow, shame, anxiety, or depression. We have given up control and thus forgotten that we have a CHOICE.

We can take BACK the wheel of our lives and CHOOSE to drive in the direction that most empowers us. That goes full throttle into what we can do to expand our Strength, Purpose and Will to be the very BEST version of ourselves. Constantly growing and building Grit, Diligence, Grace, and Unleashing all limitations so that we can powerfully be at the cause of our lives and move towards our Designed Destiny.

This is where FREEDOM is found!

This is the piece that WE ultimately have control over. Our own freedom to live our lives unapologetically, beautifully expressed, and unbound! I invite you to set yourself FREE!! You have had the key to the prison doors all along, it is time to USE IT! YES!! Victory is near, YOU GOT THIS and I am so excited for what lies ahead for YOU!!!

~ FierceGraceTransformation ~

Jessie Torres

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Jessie Torres

Jessie Torres is a visionary Peak Performance Coach who has dedicated over 19+ years to guiding thousands of high-achievers from around the globe toward realizing their fullest potential. With an illustrious career that includes ranking consistently as the number one or within the top three coaches globally, Jessie's approach combines deep emotional intelligence, dynamic energy, and strategic precision. Her work focuses on revealing the deep-seated truths within each individual, unlocking limitless possibilities previously obscured. Jessie empowers individuals to transform their experiences of pain or trauma into fuel for purpose and power. With Jessie's guidance, clients learn to harness their innate strengths and embark on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment, leading not only to personal success but also contributing to a collective elevation of human consciousness.

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Theautis, P.

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