From Situation impossible, to taking action now!

What Awaits You in Our Sacred Space?

Our Clients Say It Best...

What Awaits You in Our Sacred Space?

Our Clients Say It Best...

I would recommend a family member to be coached by her.

Jessie is more than a coach, she becomes your most trusted advisor, and the ripple effect impacts every area of your life.

Tanya U.

Speaker, Author, Executive Coach

I found it difficult to find confidence.

Working with Jessie is a profound experience. She has insights that are almost heaven sent

Pimmi P.

Founder, Pimmi Pande Coaching

Jessie saw through my carefully orchestrated smoke screen...

I wasn’t even close to accessing the greatness that Jessie recognized inside of me! Jessie didn’t just CHANGE my life she SAVED my life by helping me recognize I was playing small, beginning to settle for mediocrity and was hiding under the umbrella of the success from my past.

Theautis P.

Broker/Executive Remax Real Estate, 3'xs IronMan

Jessie taught me to be in flow and the Goddess I was meant to be!

It wasn't just about sales or mindset, Jessie taught me about building an identity of a badAss Powerful woman!

Jen B.

Ceo, The People Stack: Career Coaching for Tech Leaders

Jessie has made a forever imprint in my heart..

...and had me remember that knowing a thing and embodying a thing are 2 different things and being a “ know it all” does not hit the heart and soul. She encouraged me to let go of trying to get the “script” right and use my gift of intuition inside of everything I do, that I have magic in me, and can do this as people need me.

Susan O.

Intuitive Marriage Coach | Happily Married Lady ❤️

Jessie helped me accept myself and see that I was this great person all long.

I wanted the strength to be the person I knew I could be. Jessie helped me accept myself and see that I was this great person all long. She held me accountable by asking me the right questions to get me back on track if doubt clouded my vision. I’m now able to take on new challenges and step outside my comfort zone so much easier and more happily. Now I embrace it and am proud of who I’m becoming.

Sarah S.

Founder, Confident Kids Coaching International

Jessie opened my mind and heart to so many avenues I hadn't even thought of.

Challenged, stretched, and supported are just some of the things you can expect from this amazing coach. I still use the skills I developed during my time with her and am grateful for all that I learned. Jessie is absolutely incredible and I 100% recommend her!

Elizabeth M.

Licensed Financial Educator, Entrepreneur

Jessie has been an incredible source of inspiration, support, and TRANSFORMATION in both my business and life.

If you are considering working with Jessie Torres, stop hesitating and pull the trigger. Right now. It’ll be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Anish M.

Career Coach

Jessie has an extraordinary willingness to give from a place of 100% aligned authenticity, integrity, and love.

Jessie blends laser sharp coaching and communication skills with a depth of feeling that reveals distinctions and the missing pieces you need to heal and expand. Simply put, there is no other Jessie. She’s the Spirit Guide of a lifetime

Stacey S.

CEO, Hypnotherapist & Mindset Coach at Powerhouse Hypnosis

Jessie helped me break through some of the major challenges in my life and helped me step into being a new and more impact-driven version of myself.

Without Jessie's support and coaching there’s no way I would have felt confident as both a mom and a CEO, and the ability to be both at the same time, and we would’ve never had our second baby.

Kristin B.

Entrepreneur and Founder of Venue Owner | Venue Coach

Jessie has been an incredible source of inspiration, support, and TRANSFORMATION in both my business and life.

If you are considering working with Jessie Torres, stop hesitating and pull the trigger. Right now. It’ll be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Anish M.

Career Coach

Jessie has an extraordinary willingness to give from a place of 100% aligned authenticity, integrity, and love. Jessie blends laser sharp coaching and communication skills with a depth of feeling that reveals distinctions and the missing pieces you need to heal and expand. Simply put, there is no other Jessie. She’s the Spirit Guide of a lifetime

Stacy S.

CEO, Hypnotherapist & Mindset Coach at Powerhouse Hypnosis

Jessie helped me break through some of the major challenges in my life and helped me step into being a new and more impact-driven Version of myself. Without Jessie's support and coaching there’s no way I would have felt confident as both a mom and a CEO, and the ability to be both at the same time, and we would’ve never had our second baby.

Kristin B.

Entrepreneur and Founder of Venue Owner | Venue Coach

After 20 years in business, I was at a point where I was ready to give up. Jessie was so good at zeroing in on the fact that my business was not the problem, it was a symptom. The problem was me being in my own way. Jessie was able to draw out, where I was getting caught up and beating up on myself, and thinking small and not having the courage to step in ask more of myself and my possibility. She raised me to a place of emotional intelligence where I was able to reframe and create a different energy, where today, I am easily 6 figures working maybe 20 hours a week and bringing my purpose out to women all over the world. She has been a gift to me and my family and clients that I serve. I would work with Jessie again in a heartbeat.

Karen M.