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Awakening Insights

With Jessie

Awakening Insights

With Jessie

For Jessie GENUINE transformation is her highest priority. She helps you find the power in your process and the peace within your path. I highly recommend Jessie in every capacity!

-Mariana C.

Founder/Owner, Aha Moments Radio Show, Inc

To All Warriors!

To All Warriors!

August 21, 20244 min read

In the wake of our fight to bring the awakening of the power of women and of the Feminine, we have proven that we can do and be and succeed like men. Although I can see where the pendulum was definitely skewed at one point, we have done a good job of getting on the map and then some.

So here we are… has been with diligent work and we are now here with opportunities that were once only a dream and it is powerful and incredible and at the same time, we are exhausted.

Is it possible that we have gone too far?

There are countless videos, blog posts, and media, consistently beating down our men. Generalizing and broad-brushing the masculine as though it was bad and dark and something to be afraid of. Is this true? By consistently looping all men into one basket, is it possible that we do more harm than good?

What makes us think that men don’t “feel”? In a society where we are consistently teaching our men to not have emotions or to suck it up and push through, we have been taught to believe that they can take it, that they can take the beat down. Whether or not that is true is irrelevant to what we do and how we choose to behave with each other.

In an effort to raise awareness or to spotlight something that is skewed or wrong, do we do it by smashing down the opposing team? By crushing the “other” side and making them wrong? Or by uniting in the concept of the magic of our Divinity, each and every one of us!

Shame is shame, it does not have a gender nor a color, it is a made-up emotion of humiliation or self-disgust, embarrassment, or mortification. This comes from how we judge ourselves based on how others treat us or view us. When we compare and believe we “should” be this way or that way”, the shame gets heavier.

When it comes to our energies as human beings, we are made up of both Masculine and Feminine. We ALL harness both, so to shame one or the other is merely an exemplification of a lack of honoring and loving a Divine part of ourselves. In the search to bring our Feminine to the forefront, we don’t get to shame our masculine. We don’t get to generalize and make wrong the beauty and the power of our men!!

The gift of the masculine, in its authenticity, fueled by his heart, mission, and dedication to protection, is just as magical as the Divine Feminine in her flow. In fact, it is breathtaking!

As women we are the toughest on men, we tell them to be more loving and vulnerable and not be so rough and at the same time, they better fight and die trying to protect us rather than fall off their white horse. When men show vulnerability, women, men, and society as a whole beat the crap out of them. If we don’t wake up and realize that each and every one of us plays a huge role in each other's lives and that we can be at the cause of our behavior and NOT at the effect; we can take full responsibility for what we give and how we love and fuel our Spirits rather than beat it down.

So I pledge to Honor our men, our Warriors, to raise them and give praise to their valiant hearts. To their undying devotion to our protection and to the drive and determination to accomplish the mission, while loving us with devotion and chivalry. That the boldness of their Spirit gives way for the Feminine to gasp at their courage. To know that we can be safe and that we can be love and thus, bring back the balance of our core energies and let go of the exhausting battle of living out of alignment.

We can find our way back when we remove the judgment, finger pointing, and beat down. We can and do have the power to lift each other by first taking personal responsibility for our own voices and our own actions. We must clear the fog and get back to truth, the truth of our Divinity, and allow our men to be the Warrior and honor them for it.

~ Fierce Grace Transformation ~Jessie Torres

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Jessie Torres

Jessie Torres is a visionary Peak Performance Coach who has dedicated over 19+ years to guiding thousands of high-achievers from around the globe toward realizing their fullest potential. With an illustrious career that includes ranking consistently as the number one or within the top three coaches globally, Jessie's approach combines deep emotional intelligence, dynamic energy, and strategic precision. Her work focuses on revealing the deep-seated truths within each individual, unlocking limitless possibilities previously obscured. Jessie empowers individuals to transform their experiences of pain or trauma into fuel for purpose and power. With Jessie's guidance, clients learn to harness their innate strengths and embark on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment, leading not only to personal success but also contributing to a collective elevation of human consciousness.

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