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Awakening Insights

With Jessie

Awakening Insights

With Jessie

For Jessie GENUINE transformation is her highest priority. She helps you find the power in your process and the peace within your path. I highly recommend Jessie in every capacity!

-Mariana C.

Founder/Owner, Aha Moments Radio Show, Inc

Have you been Chosen or did YOU CHOOSE?

Have you been Chosen or did YOU CHOOSE?

August 24, 20243 min read

What if before you came here, you chose when making your contract with God, that you would be amongst the people that would make a difference in the world? That you would fight and be a Warrior for Love?

What if the challenges you are experiencing weren't meant to take you out, they were to show you what you've got and awaken you to a deeper power?

You see, sometimes you don't know what you've got until your knees hit the floor. In our darkest moments in some of our more painful experiences, there is a light that is awaiting our acceptance. When it hurts so much, all we can see is the pain we are in, and I totally get that. Feel your feelings, however, be witness to what else is true. Every day that you wake up again and wipe your tears, there is a resilient, courageous, beautiful soul that got back up. This is also true.

If God could whisper to you....

"I know this sucks right now, but if you knew what is coming you would know why I need you to build courage and resilience today."

That might be the courage or strength to help someone you love during a difficult time or to handle a challenge in the future. We don't get to hear that voice, but we get to trust that all is in Divine order and within the dark times there is always light. Even if that is someone hugging you in your pain or you finding a deeper resolve to persevere.

Napoleon Hill said in his book, Outwitting the Devil;

"With every bit of adversity, there is a seed planted of unborn opportunity or its exact advantage."

This is one of my favorite quotes. It indicates the polarity present in the toughest times. What if the depth of our pain or darkness was equal to the height of our power and light? To wake us up to love harder and forgive quicker. To be witness to our highest power to persevere through the toughest of times. Take notice of all of the grit that you are building and acknowledge the beautiful Champion in the arena of your life.

If you skip this, the pain can keep you a prisoner of limitation and hurt. A whirlwind of painful emotions that will have you behave in ways that are not congruent with your giving heart. And the suffering begins. Trust that your hurt shows up in ways that you may not correlate to the painful experience. It is sneaky and creates armor around your heart so tightly that it becomes your personality. It shows up in ways that sabotage your life.

So breathe....recalibrate, reconnect and realign to your center. Call on your higher power, the best version of you, with full trust in your heart that when the impact settles, there is something beautiful waiting for you.

Remember, you MUST look for the good or the opportunity, it is always there. If you don't, you will only remember the pain.

I love you,


~ Fierce Grace Transformation ~

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Jessie Torres

Jessie Torres is a visionary Peak Performance Coach who has dedicated over 19+ years to guiding thousands of high-achievers from around the globe toward realizing their fullest potential. With an illustrious career that includes ranking consistently as the number one or within the top three coaches globally, Jessie's approach combines deep emotional intelligence, dynamic energy, and strategic precision. Her work focuses on revealing the deep-seated truths within each individual, unlocking limitless possibilities previously obscured. Jessie empowers individuals to transform their experiences of pain or trauma into fuel for purpose and power. With Jessie's guidance, clients learn to harness their innate strengths and embark on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment, leading not only to personal success but also contributing to a collective elevation of human consciousness.

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